
Vlogging in Digital Marketing

Now a day’s everyone know the remarkable growth of video on the internet. It is reported that 400 million people are watching videos on Face book every day (Source). As the most popular video sharing platform, YouTube reports that one billion hours of videos are watched daily on this platform alone.

What is vlogging?

Vlogging is a content format that has been affected by technology development. As soon as the technology necessary for video content production became widely available, video as a content format became increasingly used.

What is a vlog

What is Vlog

Vlog is a personal website or social media account where a person regularly posts short videos.” one can add vlogs related to their products services and contents of their website and the growing list of attached material popping up on the Web add new material to or regularly update a vlog.” various YouTube celebrities vlogged about the trend”

 Vlog is short for a video blog. It is a content format that uses video as the medium. Apart from YouTube, many CMS platforms have started integrating a video format enabling vloggers to publish their content easily. Vlogging is quite similar to blogging in many aspects.

Benefits of Vlogging

Although blogging has a lot of benefits and presents an amazing opportunity for creators to express themselves, vlogging gives an extra dimension to this presentation. Using video enables a more interactive experience and possibility to connect with the vlogger deeply. A huge benefit of such vlogs is a possibility to broadcast events in real time. Live streaming also supports


Why Vlogging is popular

vlogging is essentially an easy-to-create type of content. Vlogging is affordable – With no other equipment than your phone and no other software than YouTube, You can start vlogging with no budget at all. The video format is easy to view on the go, and it attracts more attention than written content.

Vlogging versus Blogging

Vlogging is very important in digital marketing in the form of video blog where they play a vital role & can be an excellent addition to your blog in the form of engaging content, while at the same time blogs can be a useful platform to promote your vlogs. ? Vlogging, like blogging, has opened up so many opportunities for people looking to build an online career. A lot of successful vloggers nowadays started this as a hobby, but have managed to turn this hobby into international fame, career, or online business.

Vlogging in Business

vlogging provides a deeper connection with the audience. They can get to know you personally. You can also include them in the creative process, thus increasing the trust in your brand. Vlogging can help with highlighting your qualities and promoting your business to the online users.

 Furthermore, you have complete control over the content that is created and shared through a vlog. Being promoted by the vloggers can help you a lot with expanding your reach and establishing your brand on the market. To get this kind of recognition, you will have to offer a high-quality product.

Vlogging in professional way

how to use vlogging to promote your business, here are a couple of suggestions:

• Day-in-the-life video

• Follow-me-around video

• Broadcast of a live event (such as store opening, a meeting, a conference that you are hosting, etc.)

 • Instructional (how-to) vlog

• An interview vlog

• Q&A video


Hence, its popularity and the number of vloggers which is continuously on the rise. Explore how it can be implemented, find vloggers you could work with, and make sure you analyze the performance of vlogs to evaluate their role in an overall content marketing strategy.